#!/usr/bin/perl # flatbox.cgi: 自動箱保存オンライン by (滅) use Socket; &decode_query; ($host_and_port, $hako_path) = $FORM{'url'} =~ /^http:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/.*)/; &err('URLが不正です') if($host_and_port eq ""); ($host_name, $port_num) = split(':', $host_and_port); ($html_dir, $hako_num) = $hako_path =~ /^(.+)\/([^\/]+).html/; $list_cgi = "http://$host_and_port/$html_dir/"; $list_cgi =~ s/[^\/]+\/$/list.cgi/; #&err("$host_name\n$port_num\n$hako_path\n$html_dir\n$hako_num"); $prot = (getprotobyname('tcp'))[2]; $host = (gethostbyname($host_name))[4]; $port = ($port_num ne "") ? int($port_num) : 80; $sock = pack('S n a4 x8',AF_INET,$port,$host); $valid_votes = 0; # 有効投票数 $total_votes = 0; # 総投票数 socket(HAKO, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $prot); connect(HAKO, $sock) || &err("$0: cannot connect to $host\n"); $_=select(HAKO); $|=1; select($_); print HAKO "GET $hako_path HTTP/1.0\r\n"; print HAKO "Host: $host_name\r\n"; print HAKO "Referer: $list_cgi\r\n"; print HAKO "\r\n"; &load_hako(); close(HAKO); #print "$vote_cgi\n"; #exit; $post_data = "allres=on&room=$hako_num"; $content_length = length($post_data); socket(ALL, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $prot); connect(ALL, $sock) || &err("$0: cannot connect to $host\n"); $_=select(ALL); $|=1; select($_); print ALL "POST $vote_cgi HTTP/1.0\r\n"; print ALL "Host: $host_name\r\n"; print ALL "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; print ALL "Content-Length: $content_length\r\n"; print ALL "Referer: $FORM{'url'}\r\n"; print ALL "\r\n"; print ALL "$post_data"; &load_all_log(); close(ALL); &sort_vote_titles; $hako_address = $FORM{'url'}; print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=Shift_JIS\r\n"; print "\r\n"; &print_head; &print_table; &print_comments; &print_foot; ############################################################################# #### cgi #### sub decode_query { my($buffer, $pair, $name, $value, $post, @pairs); if($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST"){ read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); $post = 1; }else{ $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $post = 0; } @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $FORM{$name} = $value if($name && $value); } return $post; } sub err { my ($msg) = @_; print "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Shift_JIS\r\n"; print "\r\n"; print "エラー: $msg\r\n"; exit(); } #### loading and parsing #### sub load_hako { while() { if (/(.*)<\/title>/i) { $hako_title = $1; } elsif (/^<div[^>]*>(.*)<\/div>/i) { $hako_time = $1; } elsif (/^<hr>(<a[^>]*><img[^>]*><\/a><br>)?(<pre>.*<\/pre>)/i) { # (...)? の部分は ivote 対応 my $img_tag = $1; $hako_comment = $2; if ($img_tag ne "") { $img_tag =~ s/href=\"([^\"]*)\"/<href>/i; my $href = &to_abs_path($1, $html_dir); $img_tag =~ s/<href>/href=\"http:\/\/$host_and_port$href\"/i; $img_tag =~ s/src=\"([^\"]*)\"/<src>/i; my $src = &to_abs_path($1, $html_dir); $img_tag =~ s/<src>/src=\"http:\/\/$host_and_port$src\"/i; $hako_comment = "$img_tag$hako_comment<br clear=\"all\">"; } } elsif ($hako_comment eq "" && /^(<font [^>]*>.*<\/font>)$/i) { # エロゲアン対応 $hako_comment = "<p>$1</p>"; } elsif (/^<a href=\"([^?]+)\?allres=on/i) { #print "detected: $1\n"; $vote_cgi = &to_abs_path($1, $html_dir); } elsif (/^<body +([^>]*)>/i) { $body_attributes = $1; } } if ($body_attributes eq "") { $body_attributes = 'bgcolor="#a1fe9f" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#ff0000"'; } # print "$hako_title :$hako_time\n$hako_comment\n\n"; } sub to_abs_path { my ($url, $base) = @_; my $abs; if ($url =~ /^http:\/\/[^\/]+(\/.*)/) { $abs = $1; } elsif ($url =~ /^\/\//) { $abs = $url; } else { my @p = split('/', "$base/$url"); $abs = ""; for (my $i = $#p; $i >= 0; $i--) { my $elm = $p[$i]; if ($elm eq ".") { next; } elsif($elm eq "..") { $i--; next; } elsif($elm eq "") { next; } $abs = "/$elm$abs"; } } return $abs; } sub load_all_log() { while(<ALL>) { #($hako_address) = /^\[<a href=\"([^\"]+)\"/i if(/^\[<a/i); last if (/^<hr/i); } while(<ALL>) { if (/^<font/i || /^<b>/i) { $kou_valid = (/^<b>/i) ? 1 : 0; ($font_tag) = /^(<font[^>]*>)/i; # vote3改系での有効無効判定(色変えてたらダメ…) if (/^<font color=\"([^\"]+)\"/i) { $kou_valid = ($1 eq "#000000") ? 1 : 0; } ($kou_title, $kou_comment) = /<b>(.*)<\/b>.*(<pre>.*)$/i; if ($kou_title eq "") { # vote3系の非pre表示への対応 ($kou_title, $kou_comment) = /<b>(.*)<\/b><br><br>(<font.*)$/i; if ($kou_title eq "") { # エロゲアン対応 ($kou_title, $kou_comment) = /<b>(.*)<\/b>(<p><font.*)$/i; } } $kou_comment =~ s/<hr>//i; if ($votes{$kou_title} eq "") { $votes{$kou_title} = 0; } $all_votes{$kou_title}++; $total_votes++; if ($kou_valid == 1) { $votes{$kou_title}++; $valid_votes++; } else { $kou_comment = "$font_tag$kou_comment"; } if ($comments{$kou_title} eq "") { $comments{$kou_title} = []; } $list = $comments{$kou_title}; push @$list, $kou_comment; # print "item:$kou_title\ncomment:$kou_comment\n"; } } } sub sort_vote_titles { @sorted_titles = sort { $votes{$b} <=> $votes{$a} || $all_votes{$b} <=> $all_votes{$a} } keys %all_votes; } #### saving #### sub print_head { print <<"_HTML_"; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS"> <title>$hako_title


_HTML_ ; } sub print_table { print ''; print "\n"; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print "\n"; $valid = -1; $rank = 0; $i = 0; foreach (@sorted_titles) { $i++; $kou_title = $_; $rank = $i if($valid != $votes{$_}); $valid = $votes{$_}; $total = $all_votes{$_}; # print "$_ : $valid ($total)\n"; print ""; print ""; print ""; $ratio = ($valid_votes == 0) ? 0 : int(100 * $valid / $valid_votes); $graph_width = $ratio * 3; $graph_width = 1 if ($graph_width < 1); print ""; print ""; print "\n"; } print "
$rank"; print "$kou_title"; print "$valid($total)$ratio%"; print "

\n"; print "有効投票総数$valid_votes票(投票総数$total_votes票)"; print "
\n"; } sub print_comments { #print "
\n"; $i = 0; foreach (@sorted_titles) { $i++; #print "


\n"; print "

"; print "$_\n

\n"; $list = $comments{$_}; $n = @$list; for($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) { print "$$list[$j]\n"; print "
"; # if ($j + 1 != $n); } #print "
\n"; } #print "
\n"; } sub print_foot { print "
"; print "$hako_address から保存しました。"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; }