#!/usr/bin/perl # # hw.pl - Hatena Diary Writer. # # Copyright (C) 2004 by Hiroshi Yuki. # # http://www.hyuki.com/techinfo/hatena_diary_writer.html # # Special thanks to: # - Ryosuke Nanba http://d.hatena.ne.jp/rna/ # - Hahahaha http://www20.big.or.jp/~rin_ne/ # - Ishinao http://ishinao.net/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # use strict; my $VERSION = "1.1.1++"; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; use HTTP::Cookies; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Std; my $enable_encode = eval('use Encode; 1'); my $rkm; # Prototypes. sub login(); sub get_rkm(); sub logout(); sub update_diary_entry($$$$$$); sub delete_diary_entry($); sub doit_and_retry($$); sub create_it($$$); sub delete_it($); sub post_it($$$$$$); sub get_timestamp(); sub print_debug(@); sub print_message(@); sub read_title_body($); sub find_image_file($); sub replace_timestamp($); sub error_exit(@); sub load_config(); # Hatena user id (if empty, I will ask you later). my $username = ''; # Hatena password (if empty, I will ask you later). my $password = ''; # Hatena group name (for hatena group user only). my $groupname = ''; # Default file names. my $touch_file = 'touch.txt'; my $cookie_file = 'cookie.txt'; my $config_file = 'config.txt'; my $target_file = ''; # Filter command. # e.g. 'iconv -f euc-jp -t utf-8 %s' # where %s is filename, output is stdout. my $filter_command = ''; # Proxy setting. my $http_proxy = ''; # Directory for "YYYY-MM-DD.txt". my $txt_dir = "."; # Client and server encodings. my $client_encoding = ''; my $server_encoding = ''; # Hatena URL. my $hatena_url = 'http://d.hatena.ne.jp'; my $hatena_sslregister_url = 'https://www.hatena.ne.jp/sslregister'; # Option for LWP::UserAgent. my %ua_option = ( agent => "HatenaDiaryWriter/$VERSION", # "Mozilla/5.0", timeout => 180, ); # Other variables. my $delete_title = 'delete'; my $cookie_jar; my $user_agent; # Handle command-line option. my %cmd_opt = ( 'd' => 0, # "debug" flag. 't' => 0, # "trivial" flag. 'x' => 0, # "super trivial" flag (available for existing diaries only) 'u' => "", # "username" option. 'p' => "", # "password" option. 'a' => "", # "agent" option. 'T' => "", # "timeout" option. 'c' => 0, # "cookie" flag. 'g' => "", # "groupname" option. 'f' => "", # "file" option. 'M' => 0, # "no timestamp" flag. 'n' => "", # "config file" option. 'S' => 1, # "SSL" option. This is always 1. Set 0 to login older hatena server. ); $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 1; getopts("txdu:p:a:T:cg:f:Mn:", \%cmd_opt) or error_exit("Unknown option."); if ($cmd_opt{d}) { print_debug("Debug flag on."); print_debug("Cookie flag on.") if $cmd_opt{c}; print_debug("Trivial flag on.") if $cmd_opt{t}; print_debug("Super trivial flag on.") if $cmd_opt{x}; &VERSION_MESSAGE(); } # Override config file name (before load_config). $config_file = $cmd_opt{n} if $cmd_opt{n}; # Override global vars with config file. load_config() if -e($config_file); # Override global vars with command-line options. $username = $cmd_opt{u} if $cmd_opt{u}; $password = $cmd_opt{p} if $cmd_opt{p}; $groupname = $cmd_opt{g} if $cmd_opt{g}; $ua_option{agent} = $cmd_opt{a} if $cmd_opt{a}; $ua_option{timeout} = $cmd_opt{T} if $cmd_opt{T}; $target_file = $cmd_opt{f} if $cmd_opt{f}; # Change $hatena_url to Hatena group URL if ($groupname is defined). if ($groupname) { $hatena_url = "http://$groupname.g.hatena.ne.jp"; } # Start. &main; # no-error exit. exit(0); # Main sequence. sub main { my $count = 0; my @files; # Setup file list. if ($cmd_opt{f}) { # Do not check timestamp. push(@files, $cmd_opt{f}); print_debug("main: files: option -f: @files"); } else { while (glob("$txt_dir/*.txt")) { # Check timestamp. next if (-e($touch_file) and (-M($_) > -M($touch_file))); push(@files, $_); } print_debug("main: files: current dir ($txt_dir): @files"); } # Process it. for (@files) { # Check file name. next unless (/\b(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\.txt$/); my ($year, $month, $day) = ($1, $2, $3); my $date = $year . $month . $day; # Check if it is a file. next unless (-f $_); # Login if necessary. login() unless ($user_agent); # Replace "*t*" unless suppressed. replace_timestamp($_) unless ($cmd_opt{M}); # Read title and body. my ($title, $body) = read_title_body($_); # Find image files. my $imgfile = find_image_file($_); if ($title eq $delete_title) { # Delete entry. print_message("Delete $year-$month-$day."); delete_diary_entry($date); print_message("Delete OK."); } else { # Update entry. print_message("Post $year-$month-$day. " . ($imgfile ? " (image: $imgfile)" : "")); update_diary_entry($year, $month, $day, $title, $body, $imgfile); print_message("Post OK."); } sleep(1); $count++; } # Logout if necessary. logout if ($user_agent); if ($count == 0) { print_message("No files are posted."); } else { unless ($cmd_opt{f}) { # Touch file. open(FILE, "> $touch_file") or die "$!:$touch_file\n"; print FILE get_timestamp; close(FILE); } } } # Login. sub login() { $user_agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(%ua_option); $user_agent->env_proxy; if ($http_proxy) { $user_agent->proxy('http', $http_proxy); print_debug("login: proxy for http: $http_proxy"); $user_agent->proxy('https', $http_proxy); print_debug("login: proxy for https: $http_proxy"); } # Ask username if not set. unless ($username) { print "Username: "; chomp($username = ); } # If "cookie" flag is on, and cookie file exists, do not login. if ($cmd_opt{c} and -e($cookie_file)) { print_debug("login: Loading cookie jar."); $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new; $cookie_jar->load($cookie_file); print_debug("login: \$cookie_jar = " . $cookie_jar->as_string); print_message("Skip login."); return; } # Ask password if not set. unless ($password) { print "Password: "; chomp($password = ); } my %form; $form{key} = $username; $form{password} = $password; my $r; # Response. if ($cmd_opt{S}) { my $diary_url = "http://$hatena_url/$username/"; $form{backurl} = $diary_url; $form{mode} = "login"; if ($cmd_opt{c}) { $form{autologin} = "1"; } print_message("Login to $hatena_sslregister_url as $form{key}."); $r = $user_agent->simple_request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST("$hatena_sslregister_url", \%form) ); print_debug("login: " . $r->status_line); print_debug("login: \$r = " . $r->content()); # A tiny hack. It heavily depends on hatena reponse. # It expected if ($r->content() !~ m( for redirection to $diary_url."); error_exit("Login: Unexpected response: ", $r->status_line); } } else { # For older version. print_message("Login to $hatena_url as $form{key}."); $r = $user_agent->simple_request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST("$hatena_url/login", \%form) ); print_debug("login: " . $r->status_line); if (not $r->is_redirect) { error_exit("Login: Unexpected response: ", $r->status_line); } } print_message("Login OK."); print_debug("login: Making cookie jar."); $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new; $cookie_jar->extract_cookies($r); $cookie_jar->save($cookie_file); print_debug("login: \$cookie_jar = " . $cookie_jar->as_string); get_rkm(); print_debug("login: \$rkm = " . $rkm); } # Get rkm code. sub get_rkm() { $user_agent->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); my $edit = "$hatena_url/$username/edit"; my $r = $user_agent->get($edit); if ($r->is_success) { my @lines = split(/\n/, $r->content); foreach (@lines) { if (/]+)>/i) { print_debug("edit: $_\n"); $_ = $1; if (/name\s*=\s*\"rkm\"/) { ($rkm) = /value\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/; return; } } } error_exit("get_rkm: can't get rkm.") if ($rkm eq ""); } else { error_exit("get_rkm: can't get edit page: ", $edit); } } # Logout. sub logout() { return unless $user_agent; # If "cookie" flag is on, and cookie file exists, do not logout. if ($cmd_opt{c} and -e($cookie_file)) { print_message("Skip logout."); return; } my %form; $form{key} = $username; $form{password} = $password; print_message("Logout from $hatena_url as $form{key}."); $user_agent->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); my $r = $user_agent->get("$hatena_url/logout"); print_debug("logout: " . $r->status_line); if (not $r->is_redirect and not $r->is_success) { error_exit("Logout: Unexpected response: ", $r->status_line); } unlink($cookie_file); print_message("Logout OK."); } # Update entry. sub update_diary_entry($$$$$$) { my ($year, $month, $day, $title, $body, $imgfile) = @_; if ($cmd_opt{x}) { # super trivial mode. no CLEAR, no CREATE. $cmd_opt{t} = 1; doit_and_retry("update_diary_entry: POST.", sub { return post_it($year, $month, $day, $title, $body, $imgfile) }); return; } if ($cmd_opt{t}) { # clear existing entry. if the entry does not exist, it has no effect. doit_and_retry("update_diary_entry: CLEAR.", sub { return post_it($year, $month, $day, "", "", "") }); } # Make empty entry before posting. doit_and_retry("update_diary_entry: CREATE.", sub { return create_it($year, $month, $day) }); # Post. doit_and_retry("update_diary_entry: POST.", sub { return post_it($year, $month, $day, $title, $body, $imgfile) }); } # Delete entry. sub delete_diary_entry($) { my ($date) = @_; # Delete. doit_and_retry("delete_diary_entry: DELETE.", sub { return delete_it($date) }); } # Do the $funcref, and retry if fail. sub doit_and_retry($$) { my ($msg, $funcref) = @_; my $retry = 0; my $ok = 0; while ($retry < 2) { $ok = $funcref->(); if ($ok or not $cmd_opt{c}) { last; } print_debug("try_it: $msg"); unlink($cookie_file); print_message("Old cookie. Retry login."); login(); $retry++; } if (not $ok) { error_exit("try_it: Check username/password."); } } # Delete. sub delete_it($) { my ($date) = @_; print_debug("delete_it: $date"); $user_agent->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); my $r = $user_agent->simple_request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST("$hatena_url/$username/edit", # Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ mode => "delete", date => $date, rkm => $rkm ] ) ); print_debug("delete_it: " . $r->status_line); if ((not $r->is_redirect()) and (not $r->is_success())) { error_exit("Delete: Unexpected response: ", $r->status_line); } print_debug("delete_it: Location: " . $r->header("Location")); # Check the result. ERROR if the location ends with the date. # (Note that delete error != post error) if ($r->header("Location") =~ m(/$date$)) { print_debug("delete_it: returns 0 (ERROR)."); return 0; } else { print_debug("delete_it: returns 1 (OK)."); return 1; } } sub create_it($$$) { my ($year, $month, $day) = @_; print_debug("create_it: $year-$month-$day."); $user_agent->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); my $r = $user_agent->simple_request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST("$hatena_url/$username/edit", Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ mode => "enter", timestamp => get_timestamp, year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, trivial => $cmd_opt{t}, rkm => $rkm, # Important: # If (entry does exists) { append empty string (i.e. nop) } # If (entry does not exist) { create empty entry } title => "", body => "", date => "", ] ) ); print_debug("create_it: " . $r->status_line); if ((not $r->is_redirect()) and (not $r->is_success())) { error_exit("Create: Unexpected response: ", $r->status_line); } print_debug("create_it: Location: " . $r->header("Location")); # Check the result. OK if the location ends with the date. if ($r->header("Location") =~ m(/$year$month$day$)) { print_debug("create_it: returns 1 (OK)."); return 1; } else { print_debug("create_it: returns 0 (ERROR)."); return 0; } } sub post_it($$$$$$) { my ($year, $month, $day, $title, $body, $imgfile) = @_; print_debug("post_it: $year-$month-$day."); $user_agent->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); my $r = $user_agent->simple_request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST("$hatena_url/$username/edit", Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ mode => "enter", timestamp => get_timestamp, year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, title => $title, trivial => $cmd_opt{t}, rkm => $rkm, # Important: # This entry must already exist. body => $body, date => "$year$month$day", image => [ $imgfile, ] ] ) ); print_debug("post_it: " . $r->status_line); if (not $r->is_redirect) { error_exit("Post: Unexpected response: ", $r->status_line); } print_debug("post_it: Location: " . $r->header("Location")); # Check the result. OK if the location ends with the date. if ($r->header("Location") =~ m(/$year$month$day$)) { print_debug("post_it: returns 1 (OK)."); return 1; } else { print_debug("post_it: returns 0 (ERROR)."); return 0; } } # Get "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" for now. sub get_timestamp() { my (@week) = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat); my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $weekday) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon++; $mon = "0$mon" if $mon < 10; $day = "0$day" if $day < 10; $hour = "0$hour" if $hour < 10; $min = "0$min" if $min < 10; $sec = "0$sec" if $sec < 10; $weekday = $week[$weekday]; return "$year$mon$day$hour$min$sec"; } # Show version message. This is called by getopts. sub VERSION_MESSAGE { print <<"EOD"; Hatena Diary Writer Version $VERSION Copyright (C) 2004 by Hiroshi Yuki. EOD } # Debug print. sub print_debug(@) { if ($cmd_opt{d}) { print "DEBUG: ", @_, "\n"; } } # Print message. sub print_message(@) { print @_, "\n"; } # Error exit. sub error_exit(@) { print "ERROR: ", @_, "\n"; unlink($cookie_file); exit(1); } # Read title and body. sub read_title_body($) { my ($file) = @_; # Execute filter command, if any. my $input = $file; if ($filter_command) { $input = sprintf("$filter_command |", $file); } print_debug("read_title_body: input: $input"); if (not open(FILE, $input)) { error_exit("$!:$input"); } my $title = ; # first line. chomp($title); my $body = join('', ); # rest of all. close(FILE); # Convert encodings. if ($enable_encode and ($client_encoding ne $server_encoding)) { print_debug("Convert from $client_encoding to $server_encoding."); Encode::from_to($title, $client_encoding, $server_encoding); Encode::from_to($body, $client_encoding, $server_encoding); } return($title, $body); } # Find image file. sub find_image_file($) { my ($fulltxt) = @_; my ($base, $path, $type) = fileparse($fulltxt, qr/\.txt/); for my $ext ('jpg', 'png', 'gif') { my $imgfile = "$path$base.$ext"; if (-e $imgfile) { if ($cmd_opt{f}) { print_debug("find_image_file: -f option, always update: $imgfile"); return $imgfile; } elsif (-e($touch_file) and (-M($imgfile) > -M($touch_file))) { print_debug("find_image_file: skip $imgfile (not updated)."); next; } else { print_debug("find_image_file: $imgfile"); return $imgfile; } } } return undef; } # Replace "*t*" with timestamp. sub replace_timestamp($) { my ($filename) = @_; # Read. open(FILE, $filename) or error_exit("$!: $filename"); my $file = join('', ); close(FILE); # Replace. my $newfile = $file; $newfile =~ s/^\*t\*/"*" . time() . "*"/gem; # Write if replaced. if ($newfile ne $file) { print_debug("replace_timestamp: $filename"); open(FILE, "> $filename") or error_exit("$!: $filename"); print FILE $newfile; close(FILE); } } # Show help message. This is called by getopts. sub HELP_MESSAGE { print <<"EOD"; Usage: perl $0 [Options] Options: --version Show version. --help Show this message. -t Trivial. Use this switch for trivial edit (i.e. typo). -d Debug. Use this switch for verbose log. -u username Username. Specify username. -p password Password. Specify password. -a agent User agent. Default value is HatenaDiaryWriter/$VERSION. -T seconds Timeout. Default value is 180. -c Cookie. Skip login/logout if $cookie_file exists. -g groupname Groupname. Specify groupname. -f filename File. Send only this file without checking timestamp. -M Do NOT replace *t* with current time. -n config_file Config file. Default value is $config_file. Config file example: # # $config_file # id:yourid password:yourpassword cookie:cookie.txt # txt_dir:/usr/yourid/diary # touch:/usr/yourid/diary/hw.touch # proxy:http://www.example.com:8080/ # g:yourgroup # client_encoding:Shift_JIS # server_encoding:UTF-8 ## for Unix, if Encode module is not available. # filter:iconv -f euc-jp -t utf-8 %s EOD } # Load config file. sub load_config() { print_debug("Loading config file ($config_file)."); if (not open(CONF, $config_file)) { error_exit("Can't open $config_file."); } while () { chomp; if (/^\#/) { # skip comment. } elsif (/^$/) { # skip blank line. } elsif (/^id:([^:]+)$/) { $username = $1; print_debug("load_config: id:$username"); } elsif (/^g:([^:]+)$/) { $groupname = $1; print_debug("load_config: g:$groupname"); } elsif (/^password:(.*)$/) { $password = $1; print_debug("load_config: password:********"); } elsif (/^cookie:(.*)$/) { $cookie_file = glob($1); $cmd_opt{c} = 1; # If cookie file is specified, Assume '-c' is given. print_debug("load_config: cookie:$cookie_file"); } elsif (/^proxy:(.*)$/) { $http_proxy = $1; print_debug("load_config: proxy:$http_proxy"); } elsif (/^client_encoding:(.*)$/) { $client_encoding = $1; print_debug("load_config: client_encoding:$client_encoding"); } elsif (/^server_encoding:(.*)$/) { $server_encoding = $1; print_debug("load_config: server_encoding:$server_encoding"); } elsif (/^filter:(.*)$/) { $filter_command = $1; print_debug("load_config: filter:$filter_command"); } elsif (/^txt_dir:(.*)$/) { $txt_dir = glob($1); print_debug("load_config: txt_dir:$txt_dir"); } elsif (/^touch:(.*)$/) { $touch_file = glob($1); print_debug("load_config: touch:$touch_file"); } else { error_exit("Unknown command '$_' in $config_file."); } } close(CONF); } __END__